
$2.50 /Per Photo

  • Services applied:
  • Light Skin Face Correction (Up to 3 People)
  • Red Eye Effect Removal
  • Blemish Removal
  • Face Skin Smoothening
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Color Correction
  • mage Cropping
  • Blemish Removal
  • Blemish Removal
  • Not Include:
  • Headshots Editing
  • Studio Photos Editing
  • Body Retouching
  • Touch Up of the Background
  • Newborn Photo Editing

High End

$12 /Per Photo

  • Services applied:
  • Pro Corrections
  • High End Beauty Correction (Up to 3 People)
  • High End Eye Retouching
  • High End Hair Retouching
  • High End Background Retouching
  • HDR Effects/HDR Compositing
  • Following Client's Style
  • Jewelry Retouching
  • Nude-photos Editing


$12 / Per Photo

  • Services applied:
  • Braces Removal
  • Basic Correction (Up to 10 People)
  • Merge Photos
  • Remove /Restore Elements
  • Add or Remove People
  • Fixing Color Fringing / Chromatic Aberration
  • Eyeglass Glare Removal
  • Photography Elements, Clothes and Accessories Colors Changing
  • Head / Eyes / Body Parts Swapping
  • Wrinkles / Creases of Clothes Smoothing
  • Background Replacement for a Couple of Objects
  • Masking Images
  • Clipping Path for a Complex Objects